The City of Manhattan, Kansas embarked upon a long-range Parks & Recreation Improvement Feasibility Study in 2013. From this study four priorities were identified that the City and the Parks & Recreation Department needed to address regarding facilities for the community. These are:

  • Indoor Recreation/Court Space
  • Improved Playing Surfaces
  • Trail Additions, Improvements & Connectivity
  • Indoor Aquatics

The design team, led by Bruce McMillan AIA Architects, P.A., completed a study to allocate additional basketball, volleyball, and other competitive sports courts that are addressed by additions to two Manhattan-Ogden school district middle schools in participation with USD 383. A $27.5 million bond issue was successfully passed in 2017 for completion of these facilities that will see middle school additions completed by 2020 followed by CiCo Park improvements. When addressing the second and third priorities, with improved outdoor playing fields and tennis courts, the design team focused on modifications to enhance CiCo Park, an outdoor recreation facility jointly owned by the City of Manhattan, Riley County, and USD383. The fourth priority, an indoor aquatic facility, was identified as a component to be addressed at a later date.